
The correct way to tie a fishing hook


Method 1: Wrap the thread on the hook handle, and then […]

Method 1: Wrap the thread on the hook handle, and then slowly wind it in circles, leaving the end of the thread and then pulling it tightly.


Method 2: Wind the wire into two coils respectively, then wind one of the coils under the hook handle, and then thread the other coil above the hook handle, then tie it tightly, and then wind the remaining wire out of one. The coil, thread it out, and tie it at the end.



Method 3: First wrap a piece of thread on the hook handle, pull one end of the thread towards the head of the hook handle, then wrap the other thread on the thread, then pull it tight, and then tie the end and pull it tight.


Method 4: First wrap a piece of thread under the hook handle, then slowly wind it, thread one end of the thread through the loop in the opposite direction, and then thread the other thread out of the loop, and then tighten it separately.


Method 5: First wrap a section of the thread around the head of the hook handle, so that the thread forms a semicircle, then pull out a thread end, thread it through it, and wrap it in circles to tighten it.