
Bottle swivel manufacturers divide fishing gear into four types


  There have been many kinds of fishing gear since […]


There have been many kinds of fishing gear since ancient times. Most of the fishing gear in ancient times were made of animal bones or stones. Most modern fishing gear is made of new materials, which can be divided into 4 types.


Net fishing gear, the use of net fishing gear to catch aquatic products in the world accounts for more than 80% of the total catch. Net fishing gear is composed of nets, ropes, floats (such as buoys, buoys, floating balls, etc.), sinkers, etc. According to different fishing objects and operation methods, fishing gear is divided into nine categories: gill net, seine net, trawl net, spread net, large net, spread net, dip net, cover net, and trap.



Fishing gear is usually composed of hooks, baits, fishing lines, etc., and some are equipped with floats, sinkers, fishing rods or other accessories. The hook is the part that is tied on the fishing line and acts as a hook. It is divided into two types: barb tooth structure and no barb tooth structure. The choice of bait is often the key to the success or failure of the catch, which can be divided into two types: real bait and artificial bait.


Rake thorns, fishing gear with rake digging, thrusting and other performances. The former is a rake with sharp teeth and claws, which rakes and catches the fishing objects hidden in the sediment bottom; the latter includes fish darts, cannon saws, long-handled hooks and other projectors and empty hooks, etc., aiming at the objects to be caught during operation. Captured by entering the body, or by the use of empty hook spikes.


Cage pots, taking advantage of the habit of some fishing objects like to drill holes, set up cages, pots, conch shells, etc. with small holes in the waters where they often inhabit and stay, to lure them to sneak in and catch them. Such as eel cages, shrimp cages, conch cages, etc.


In addition to these four types, fishing gear also has important materials for making it. Nowadays, many fishing gear materials are made of fiber materials, which need to have corresponding functions, such as compression resistance, softness, etc., are all factors that need to be considered. .