
How to watch drift correctly when fishing


1. The float rises, but the floating speed is not fast, […]

1. The float rises, but the floating speed is not fast, which means that the fish is spinning around the bait, and the fish float slows down and returns to the original fishing target, which means that the fish retreats, or thinks that the bait does not fit or is afraid. Sometimes there will be repetitions, 4 or 5 times up and down.


2. The real fish to eat (small miscellaneous fish such as Chuan Ding, creeping tiger, and even white minnow, which are not considered serious fish by fishermen), should be weighty, because no matter how small the crucian carp is, the force of swallowing and sucking the import of bait is also not enough. It is bigger than the small trash fish, even if the floating and sinking range is a little bit, even if it is 1/4 mesh, 1/5 mesh, and a little thicker than a leek leaf, it is just right. It may not have the speed, but it has the weight. The next meal or a setback means that the fish is swallowing it, and the pole can be raised immediately.


3. The drifting action is normal like fish eating, but there is no fish when lifting the rod. First of all, you should consider the size of the bait, whether the hardness is suitable, and whether there are small miscellaneous fish floating.


4. The condition of the small fish on the float is similar to that of the crucian carp, the difference is that the small fish eats with speed but no strength, and there will be some messy little movements before eating. The one with both speed and strength must be a serious fish.


5. When fishing on the level water, that is, when the tip of the float is in line with the horizontal surface, the little red dot is missing or the top is floated, and the rod can be raised.



6. The top drift, drift up and down, there is almost no warning signal, that is, it suddenly jacks up (regardless of speed) and then drops, don't pay attention to it, but when it stops during the ups and downs, it is very important to lift the rod immediately at that moment. important.


7. It is also a sign that the fish has caught the hook when it is time to go down.


8. When the float sinks, there is a short pause or a half-eye floating. Abnormal performances such as the time to go down and the rise instead of going down are all signals that the fish has caught the hook.


9. The fish float raises its eyes upward for half a day, or even less, and then immediately changes to a downward forceful meal and a setback, which is the most standard crucian carp eating action. The reason why the float lifts the l-eye and half-eye is because when the fish rushes or swims to the bait, the same amount of water is displaced by the fish, causing the change of water pressure, causing the lead sinker and the bait to temporarily lose weight or lose some weight. The fall, the pulling force of the bait, the gravity is reduced, so it floats a little. If it floats up and then slowly descends, it means that the fish is retreating and evacuating, and the weightless state of the lead sinker has disappeared, see Example 1. A powerful meal is caused by the fish swallowing and sucking the entrance of the bait and pulling the float, and the force of the fish eating the bait acts on it. The bait hook, in turn, is transmitted to the result of the float. Some people think that the floating lift is caused by the impact force and pressure when the fish rushes to the bait, which can be discussed.


10. When the hook and line are touched by the fish, the float will sink vigorously. To distinguish it from the float when the fish catches the hook, you can see whether the float has a bedding action before and after the sinking action. When the fish is eating, because the fish swims to the bait, there will be a force on the bait sink, making them a little weightless, so the float will have a corresponding response signal, so there is an early warning signal before the strength drops. , is caused by the fish touching the line as it swims by the line above the lead. It is difficult to distinguish the signal from the signal when it is eaten by the fish.


11. Sometimes the crucian carp catches the hook, and the reaction of the floating action is very small, 1/10 of the eye, or even almost invisible. At this time, it is necessary to fish with the sixth sense.


12. When the waves are very large, such as fishing for one eye, the drift tip should be submerged in the water when the wave comes, but it does not submerge in the water, or the drift tip should emerge from the water surface again when the wave recedes. The purpose is not exposed, which means that the fish is caught. , should raise the fishing rod and lift the rod.


13. There is no early warning signal for hardtail drifting, so be careful, you must have strong nerves and agile reactions.


14. Drift laterally or diagonally into the water, lift the rod. It is usually the reaction of pushing and pulling away the bait after being swallowed by the fish.


15. Because the floating tail of the hard tail float is solid, the float tail has no buoyancy and is thin, so there will be false movements and miscellaneous movements. When the serious fish eats, the movements will be enlarged (that is, the same big fish has the same strength to eat and suck. , in the soft tail drift, it is 1 and a half eyes down, and in the hard tail drift, it may be down 2 eyes, 3 eyes and 4 eyes, and the response of the action range is increased). The soft tail drift, because the drift tail is hollow, has a certain buoyancy itself, and is thick, and the resistance it receives when going up and down is greater than the resistance of the slender strip of the hard drift tail, so it can filter certain false signals. When the soft tail floats to 3 and a half to 5 eyes, due to the light weight of the lead and the high buoyancy, the fake action cannot come up, and the movement cannot be seen. If there is movement, it must be the fish eating, and it must be the real movement.


16. The float is swaying left and right, which means that the fish is spinning around the bait to observe, stirring the water around the bait, the lead is swaying, the fish float is swaying, and so on.